Saturday, 5 May 2012

I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the lack of posts, but after my last post, i found out i was pregnant on the 14th March! It wasn't planned and so was a big shock but we are happy and obviously decided to keep our little pea pod in the end! We did consider the 'A' word but i knew i couldn't do it and we had no real reason to do it. We're happy together, we live together, we want to be together, we both wanted kids one day and hubby has a good job. 

The hurdles we had to overcome was that i had been sacked about 3 weeks before we found out so had no income, and we also lived in Bristol away from our friends/family and only in a 1 bedroom flat that didn't allow kids. That week was a bit hectic in sorting things out, it was an emotional roller coaster! It hasn't been easy at all, there's been a lot of arguments and tears and different view on things but it's never going to be that easy, having a baby is a big decision wether it's planned or not.

How far along? 13 weeks and 3 days!
Total weight gain/measurements: About 6lbs already!
Maternity clothes: None so far, but i'm living in leggings and tights with stretchy skirts! 
Stretch marks? None yet, i've been a bit lazy using any stretch mark cream/oil but i do have the new johnsons one that i've used a few times! I need to start using it regularly now i'm starting to grow properly! 
Sleep: Hasn't been too bad, i've had a lot of sleep through the first trimester, the tiredness is unbelievable! It's slowly getting better but this week i've found it hard to get comfortable!
Best moment this week: We had our dating scan on Thursday evening! Everything looked good and we did opt for the down syndrome screening so we should get those within a week! We got some pictures and they put me forward to 13 weeks and 1 day when i thought i was 12 weeks and 3 days! It's not a huge difference but week 13 seems so much more exciting than week 12, it's the second trimester!!
Miss anything? I miss feeling 'normal'! I have suffered badly with morning sickness and horrendous migraines since i was 6 weeks! Around week 7/8 it was awful and i actually even thought i couldn't do it any longer, i just wanted to be me again and feel better! The last 2 days i haven't physically been sick which is a miracle, so hopefully it is easing and i can start enjoying this pregnancy! I also miss working out, because i've been so ill i havent done any exercise at all! :( I have also missed having prawns, like a yummy prawn mayo baguette/sandwich! 
Movement: I'm not sure if i've felt movement yet but i have had a few flutter/butterflies but i'm not sure what it is!
Food cravings: I haven't had any proper cravings where i HAVE to have it, but when my sickness was bad, the only thing i could keep down was macdonalds! I mentioned it to my midwife because i was worried about not being healthy but she said you just have to get through the first trimester and eat whatever you can!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lots! Coffee, Tea, the texture of vegetables & fruit (except strawberries?!), the thought of raw chicken and having to cook it, the texture of pasta! Sometimes i cant stomach water!
Gender: Don't know! At first i thought it was a boy but now i think it could be a girl! The chinese birth chart also says girl!
Labour signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Morning sickness, horrendous migraines, sore boobies and they are massive, metally/creamy taste in my mouth, fatigue.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? Haven't got any!
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody since we found out because i've felt so awful i haven't been able to really take it in, but since the scan i've been happier and more excited! 
Looking forward to: Already looking forward to meeting my baby and seeing if it's a boy or a girl! We don't want to found out the gender at our 20 week scan, i want Warren to tell me when the baby is born :)

Meet our little pea pod!!


  1. Congratulations!! I hope everything works out well for you and Warren and the baby!

  2. Ohmygosh how exciting hun! Congratulations! Even though it wasn't planned it sounds like a wonderful surprise, and I hope you manage to get everything sorted. Keep us updated please! xx

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