Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Good wifey duties & snack bars round 2!

This morning, i was rather psycho emotional, shall we say. It's currently my 'time of the month' and woahhhh! This may be TMI but it is so bad this month. The hormones are crazy, the pain is crazy and my stomach looks like i'm 4 months pregnant! Not attractive...! Needless to say my workouts have been non existent this week :( I'm hoping to get one in on Saturday & Sunday when it's not so bad and has calmed down a bit! 

I can't wait to do Tone it ups valentine routine, it looks like a good one!

I was going to try and get it in today but when my stomach is cramping i feel like i'll do it more harm than good if i start exercising! But i should do some kind of workout today, i haven't done one since Sunday!

Anway, back to this morning, i went a little mental at Warren (woops). I just didn't want to get up and take him to work, my stomach was cramping and i had a headache and it was cold outside, why would you want to? I did drive him to work, really moody and in silence. When i got home, i did feel a bit bad! So i decided to jump into 'good housewife' mode and text him to say sorry!

I did the washing up, cleaned everything, vacuumed, ironed some shirts for him for work this week and changed the bed linen!

I also prepared tea into the slow cooker and that's been cooking away all day! I got these packets at the supermarket specifically for slow cookers!

I just put an onion, some mushrooms, 4 medallions of bacon, 4 chopped chicken breasts, 2 tablespoons of tomato & garlic puree, the packet mix and 1/2 pint of water.

It doesn't look like the front of the packet though...

but it does smell good! I hope it tastes just as good! I also mixed up another batch of healthy oat snack bars, but this time i altered a few things. I put the hazelnuts in whole and i omitted the salt and put 1 tablespoon of brown sugar in to try and make them a bit sweeter. 

 I havent tried one yet but the texture seems a lot better this time and they do smell sweeter! I'm going to attempt the valentines workout now and then tonight, i'm going to chill out with a green tea and maybe have a bath with some Aromatherapy Associates oils to help these hormones! Check out my beauty blog on my post about the most amazing oils in the world!

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